lots of bicycles lined up

Live Life Cycling "Event Support"

Live Life Cycling "Event Support"

Live Life Cycling "Event Support"

Live Life Cycling "Event Support"

Live Life Cycling "Event Support"
Live Life Cycling "Event Support"

Community events

From “Pay as you go” options to structured activities, the possibilities are endless so why not contact our team, discuss your requirements, and see how we can support your sporting event, seasonal Fairs/Galas/Highland Games, Parent Council events and any other event that you think we could provide something extra to!

 Corporate events 

Cycling is suitable for all ages, and we can create a bespoke day for your staff or employees, as part of a training or family day? With a wide range of bikes and helmets, and via the skills of our passionate and skilled instructors we can ensure an amazing experience for all. Linked to Active Travel, this is a great option to allow your employees an introduction to Cycling and enhance any work towards cycling to work, Cycling Friendly Employer status and to your zero-carbon planning.

Submit your enquiry and start a discussion with our staff

We can also host your Corporate Day at the fantastic Sir Arthur Grant Outdoor and Residential Centre near Monymusk, Inverurie  where a range of activities can be included alongside our cycling programmes

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